Potassium iodide
Name: Potassium iodine
Synonyms: potassium iodide
Species: Pure for analyzes
Cleanliness: Clean min. 99.9%
Chemical formula: KI
Potassium iodide - an inorganic chemical compound, potassium salt of hydriodic acid of the formula K1.
used in organic syntheses
in spectroscopy
in chemical analysis
its small amounts are added to table salt (hence the so-called iodinated salt). An alternative addition is potassium iodate KIO3
Lugol fluid component (iodine dissolved in an aqueous solution of potassium iodide)
the iodine component
for very effective experiments, for example: "elephant toothpaste" - in combination with 35% hydrogen peroxide (perhydrol) and dishwashing liquid
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